5 Tips to Embrace Your Fitness Journey

Update to this popular post. 

year of ours top and leggings via Carbon38 [C/O]

Fitness is such a personal thing.

When my friends and I get together over a glass a wine you can definitely bet that we’re chatting about our need to lose or gain x amount of pounds, how successful or unsuccessful we’ve been with healthy eating this week, and the latest celebrity deemed #goals.

While I indulge in the conversation, I’ve learned over time that fitness is so much more than appearance. It’s about how you feel! It’s about choosing to fit in workouts, to indulge in those Tate’s cookies, to learn that muscle weighs more than fat and you really are losing weight despite what the scale says, and remember that you will always be improving —it’s a journey!

Trust me, this attitude did not come overnight. I have tried every diet, binged, restricted, and everything in between. So here are a few tips that have helped me embrace my fitness journey:

1. Finding a sustainable way to eat

I chose vegetarianism six nine years ago. You might be all about some Paleo, a keto fanatic, vegan, or a meat and potatoes aficionado. Try a few different ways of eating, listen to your body, consult professionals when needed and do what works for you.

2. Researching recipes

Recipe hunting has become another hobby of mine. I recently picked up Oh She Glows Every Day and Frugal Veganjoined a few Facebook groups, and created a Pinterest board to start curating my recipe collection. You wouldn’t believe the messes and Pinterest fails it’s taken me to narrow down a few standby recipes. I highly suggest you start experimenting too!

3. Choosing workouts that are fun and don’t feel like punishment

This is so important. I used to pick the most intense workouts I could find as a way to punish myself for eating pizza or just because I have a curvy shape. Don’t take that route! Find some workouts that challenge and excite you — workouts that you actually look forward to doing and you’ll be more likely to stick with them. I love taking cycling classes and heated flow or barre classes through ClassPass. Sign up through this link to receive your first month FREE! DM me if you sign up so I can add you as a friend on the app.

4. Getting some PREP in my step

I have learned the value of meal prepping, packing healthy snacks, and doing your research ahead of time to know what you can grab on the go that works for your current eating plan. I learned that value after realizing just how tempted I am to just pick up some fries from the nearest drive-thru when I haven’t prepared for my typically very long days. Some of my favorite snacks to bring with me are apples, protein bars , and sticky rice crisps!


5. Finding my tribe

I’ll admit that this one is still a work in progress. It’s been really difficult to find a local group that I feel comfortable joining to share my fumbles and triumphs. Still, I have found some really awesome people on Instagram who inspire me and am checking out some Facebook groups. I’ll keep you guys posted. Also, DM me if you’re in the Memphis area. I’m working on getting a group together!

Bonus: Allow yourself some grace

I know I said five tips but I thought it was important to throw this one in the mix. Show yourself some grace! Speak to yourself the way you would your BFF. Remember that one meal outside of your healthy eating plan does not derail your entire process. Remember that you are just one workout from reaching another goal. Remember that you can do it!

I write this as much for myself as for you. I gained 30+ pounds of ‘love’ weight over the last four years and have been working towards making daily choices that are consistent with how I want to feel and look. While I’ve slowly lost 15 pounds, I’ve also learned to celebrate non-scale victories like noticing that my endurance is improving, my clothes fit better, my BMI is lower, and some days I just feel like a baddie. THESE are the things that matter!

What are your fitness goals? Let me know how you’re working towards them!




Hi! I'm Denise, a native Memphian with a love of weekend getaways, matcha, brunch, and clean beauty. THE ELLE AESTHETIC was created to be a source of inspiration to add bits of luxury to the every day and covers travel, style, art, beauty and wellness. Thanks for reading!


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  1. 2.10.20

    The winter is always a hard time for me to stay fit here in southern Wisconsin. But I can’t wait to start running outside again as soon as spring hits!

    • 2.11.20
      Denise said:

      Yes, the short days and chilly weather definitely make it hard for me to get moving, too! We’re so close to spring— I can’t wait!

  2. 2.11.20
    Rachel said:

    such great tips! IT really is about creating a lifestyle that lights you up instead of just forcing yourself into things you hate!

    • 2.11.20
      Denise said:

      Absolutely! I wasted so much time trying to force myself to complete classes that just weren’t for me. I’m glad we’re all working towards doing more of the things we like that contribute to good health.

  3. 2.11.20
    Christa said:

    Finding workouts I enjoy was so important to me, too! And showing ourselves grace is a great tip!

  4. 2.11.20
    Taylor said:

    I love these tips! I had a few ladies I worked out with and then we moved so I’m still trying to find a new tribe here! But I love the idea of finding a sustainable way to eat, I know not all of my food choices are great and I want to do better! I’ll definitely be doing a bit more research and figuring out what’s best for my body.

    • 2.11.20
      Denise said:

      Ahh, it’s so hard when friends move! Have you tried ClassPass? I’ve met so many people using it and it’s great for accountability if you add your friends on the app. I shared a link for a free month in the post!

  5. 2.11.20
    Stephanie said:

    I absolutely love the positivity in this blog post. Since fitness is such a controversial subject, it’s nice to read some encouraging tips. I especially appreciate the last bit about giving yourself grace. That’s huge when it comes to anyone’s fitness journey. While I don’t want to lose weight (especially with a disordered eating past), I do want to be healthy, so I’ll continue to experiment with recipes and find workouts I enjoy!

  6. 2.11.20
    Kat&Phil said:

    These are such great tips! The sustainable diet is such a clutch component to a healthy lifestyle. Best wishes in your journey!

  7. 2.13.20
    Cristina said:

    I always start slow when it comes to workouts because I know if go hardcore from the beginning, I won’t take it up.